June 13, 2008

#165 Twiddler on the Roof

Because I needed to do something new desperately, I twiddled my thumbs for fifteen minutes. It's a lot harder than I expected and after five minutes I was wishing I had decided to thumb-twiddle for five minutes instead. I recommend stretching your fingers ahead of time, or better yet, don't try doing something this stupid in the first place. Incidentally, I read that the longest time someone had done this was twenty hours, but I could not confirm this on Guinness. I just might hold the world record.


Crystal Chick said...

what? no video?

Colette said...

I can totally relate to being desperate for something to do. I've had a lot of those days lately.

Colette said...

I can totally relate to being desperate for something to do. I've had a lot of those days lately.