Not the unsolicited e-mail kind of Spam, but the unsolicited meat kind. Perhaps at the bottom of the processed food chain or at the top of it depending on what you like, Spam has been around since 1937 and even played a role in WWII as part of the k-rations for soldiers. I've generally avoided foods that retain the shape of the can that they came out of, but today I made an exception and
I ate SPAM. The presentation and texture did not exceed my expectations but I have to say that the taste did. Simply put, it tastes like ham. If you're really interested in eating it here's some

I've thought about doing this as a new thing. Just gotta build up the courage.
My husband is always after me to but this stuff. Growing up, my mother used to serve it with mac and cheese. I haven't been able to eat it since !! LOL
Hi Dave - Mike showed me your sweet blog, and I feel compelled to tell you that the brother of someone I work with works in the meat processing industry, and he told me that spam goes into the can in LIQUID FORM. how gross is that?
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