April 16, 2008

#107 Oil Change

How can a 37-year old guy claim he's a man if he's never changed the oil on his car? Well today I achieved this rite of passage when I changed the oil on my car. A couple of lessons learned:

Spend the extra 2 bucks to buy the bigger oil drain pan so you don't have to go into a panic when you realize the oil is going to overflow in the one that you have.

Do not try to drain your oil on a very windy day. The wind will redirect the stream away from your drain pan no matter where you try to put it. Trust me, it knows.

Do not drop the drain plug into the drain pan full of dirty oil. It will result in an unattended mess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm going to do this new thing too...luckily we have an automechanics class at the school i teach at, so they can help me...and it will be on a lift.