April 28, 2008

#119 You Rah Rah

Shouldn't everybody know the words to their alma mater's fight song? Well I didn't. The University of Wisconsin's song On Wisconsin is arguably one of the most popular school songs in the country, it's also Wisconsin's official state song. Composed in 1909 it has been called by John Philip Sousa "the finest of college marching songs" So without getting the nerve to actually tape myself singing the song, I learned University of Wisconsin's fight song. Here are the words and the music.

On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Plunge right through that line!

Run the ball clear down the field,

A touchdown sure this time.
On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Fight on for her fame
Fight! Fellows! - fight, fight, fight!
We'll win this game.

On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!

Stand up, Badgers, sing!

"Forward" is our driving spirit,
Loyal voices ring.
On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Raise her glowing flame
Stand, Fellows, let us now

Salute her name!

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