April 24, 2008

#115 Whistleblower

My dad can whistle with his fingers like nobody I've ever heard. The ear deafening kind. His dad could whistle with his fingers, and I'm sure it goes on and on. So coming from what I can only imagine to be a long line of finger whistlers I figured it was time to carry on the trait. Problem is I've been trying to do this most of my life and all all I've been able to produce is a lot of air and lightheaded-ness. So today I gave it a real serious try. I researched it until I found a few good explanations for how it's done. I wasn't really expecting this to work but to my surprise I got it, I whistled with my fingers. It's not much yet, but it's a pretty good start. Here's one my attempts:


Crystal Chick said...

this is on my to-do list.

Anonymous said...

One very sick whistle, shame on me for not teaching you. #13