April 04, 2008

#95 Pay It Backward

Tonight I paid for someone's meal behind me at the drive thru. I've made two other unsuccessful attempts at this, on both occasions I've gone to order something and absolutely nobody drove up behind me. Tonight it started to look like the same was going to happen, when I got there the line was about five deep in front of me and again nobody behind me. By the time I got to the pay window, finally I could see a car pull up to order spot, as they rounded the corner I could see it was a car full of teenage boys. I told myself that I was going to go through with this as I winced in preparation for the little red digital readout of what the damage was going to be...$17.37! I told the cashier I was paying for the car behind me, got my change and pulled out of there as fast as I could to avoid looking like some creepy old guy that just bought their meals. As I pulled into the street and drove away I could see the cashier pointing to my car and all three in the car staring at me in disbelief.

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