February 20, 2008

#51 Total Eclipse of the Moon

With binoculars in hand, tonight I observed a lunar eclipse. The next time this will occur is in 2010 so I thought I should take advantage of this now. The sky was clear as a bell and viewing was perfect. My attempt at taking a decent picture failed miserably because my hands were so freezing cold I couldn't keep from shaking. At it's full eclipse the moon turns a reddish orange which as I found out Christopher Columbus used to his advantage in 1504 to save his life from the natives in Jamaica. He was able to scare them into thinking his God was angry at them and would destroy the moon and it would be "inflamed with wrath" if they did not provide him with the provisions he needed. Here's the full story.

1 comment:

mdillon said...

There is something vaguely disturbing about this photograph.